~courtesy of The Scranton Journal
Dodgeball is a popular activity at the Scranton Community Center. On Saturday night, Dec. 12, the participants brought items to be donated to the Greene County food pantry. Youngsters of all ages enjoy playing dodgeball and can’t wait until the next event.
The former Scranton school building is open during the day for adults who want to exercise by walking. The hours are 7 to 8 am and 1 to 2 pm. Dawn Rudolph heads up the events and asks that walkers call her in advance to be sure the facility is open. Her number is 712-652-3672.
Plans are being made for additional hours and activities at the Community Center during the holiday break from school. Details will be available next week and will be posted on the facility’s Facebook page.
The building has been extensively remodeled and is available to rent. The kitchen and lunchroom are perfect locations for open house events to celebrate birthdays or anniversaries. The gym can also be rented for activities. Contact Rudolph or city hall for more information and to reserve your date.